Protecting your business from the expenses of forensic audits, card replacement costs, and fines incurred from suspected or actual data breaches due to network hacking or employee fraud should be a high priority.

While such incidents cannot be entirely anticipated or avoided, your business and its customers can be protected and prepared for it in the event it does happen.

With our Data Breach Insurance, you don’t have to worry about unnecessarily paying for such incidents. You’re covered for all data breaches as long as you, the business owner, aren’t involved.

Data breaches covered under our insurance:

  • A hacker broke into the TJ Maxx computer system and stole 45.7 million customer records including credit card numbers, driver’s licenses, names, and addresses
  • A waitress in a Memphis restaurant used a magnetic card reader to swipe credit card information from some 150 customers of her employer’s restaurant
  • A computer server stocked with credit card information was stolen during a burglary at a HoneyBaked Ham store
  • A hacker installed a keylogger to record every character typed on 13 Kinko’s computers in Manhattan and later sold the data
  • Card-skimming devices were used at Sam’s Club gas stations to steal credit card information from 600 customers.